Blue Crab Caller
Blue crabs are found in brackish coastal lagoons and estuaries in Nova Scotia, the Mid-Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and South America.
The Crab Callers are producing 20-30% more crabs with less sublegal sizes, therefore reducing bycatch.
The Crab Caller can be used for recreational or commercial purposes.
The natural acoustic sounds produced by our EBS TechnologyTM is proven by scientific studies and field research to attract multiple species of crustaceans to the sound source. (King Crab, Blue Crab, Maine Lobster, Spiny Lobster, Spiny Lobster, Shrimp)
This reduces bait cost & in some cases, there's no need for bait at all. The pots with the Crab Caller had cleaner crab, fewer smalls and fewer females.
Product Specs:
Product Series: Caller
Sound Cartridge: EBS Shrimp
Depth: 600'
Weight: 6.3oz
Length: 4.25"
INCLUDES: 2 Spare O-rings and 1 Spare Pin